Action Planning Submission Form

This form is utilized by all leaders to track and document their Employee Engagement actions done each week. Every week, from February 1-May 1, each leader will report out actions on the two goals below each week.

Coupled with your leader touchbase discussions, reporting out on Employee Engagement actions is:

  • Intended to provide you with support for your engagement actions and remove any blocks to your success.
  • Utilized for accountability to discussions as well as providing line of sight to higher level leaders on the status of employee engagement actions throughout their department and BU.

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Important: Each week, from February 1-May 1, when you enter information below for your weekly action report out you will select the same goal, however the actions under that goal can vary week to week. This will ensure consistency on action towards working on one of the statements. If you would like to switch goals during the engagement period, a conversation is required with your 1-up and description on why in the submission form.

Action Plan Goal 1: The organization does an effective job communicating with me.

PLEASE NOTE: Additional corresponding fields will be revealed as you proceed below based on your selections.

Action Plan Goal 2

PLEASE NOTE: Additional corresponding fields will be revealed as you proceed below based on your selections.

Choose one of the below goals for which you are taking action steps and then complete the associated fields that get revealed based on your selection: *

Important: Be sure only one of the boxes above is checked for Action Plan Goal #2 before proceeding to fill out any remaining fields that are revealed. If you initially selected more than one above, uncheck boxes as necessary and leave only the box checked next to the goal for which you are submitting information.

Goal Selected: I feel appreciated for what I do

Goal Selected: I am able to do what I do best every day

Goal Selected: There is a genuine interest in my well-being

How to Check in with a Staff Member About Their Well-Being

Goal Selected: I feel well supported

How to Check in with a Staff Member About Their Well-Being