Baby Milestones

Baby's first three years

Choose from the videos above to learn more about the physical and emotional milestones you can expect your child to achieve as he or she reaches each stage of their young life. The videos available above are broken into the following age ranges:

  • 0-1 month (0-4 weeks)
  • 1-3 months (4-12 weeks)
  • 3-6 months (12-24 weeks)
  • 6-9 months (24-36 weeks)
  • 9-12 months (36-48 weeks)
  • 12-18 months (48-72 weeks)
  • 18-24 months (72-96 weeks)
  • 24-36 months

Is my baby developing normally?

Your baby is a unique individual with his/her own personality, temperament and rate for learning, growth and development. Experts agree that most babies reach certain milestones or achievements at similar ages, however, it is not unusual for a completely healthy baby to be slower in some aspect of development and faster in others.

Use this section to help monitor your baby's development and remember that the developmental milestones found in this section are guidelines. Your baby’s primary care provider and/or early child follow-up clinic will check your baby’s development at each visit.

Premature and Critically Ill Babies

If your baby was born six or more weeks early, or with a serious illness that required a stay in a Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), these guidelines may be adjusted to fit his/her individual needs. Your baby is expected to reach milestones like rolling over, crawling, or babbling by his adjusted age.

Adjusted Age Calculator

Babies who are born prematurely often have two ages:

  • Chronological age – The age of your baby based on the day of birth (in days, weeks or years).
  • Adjusted age The age of your baby based on your due date. So, if your baby is 6 weeks old, but was born two weeks early, your baby's adjusted age is 4 weeks.

If your baby was born prematurely, use the calculator below to figure out his/her adjusted age. This adjusted age is used until his second birthday, and then the actual age is used.

The adjusted age of your child (in weeks) is:

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