Sexual Assault Treatment

Help After a Sexual Assault

Sexual assault can happen to anyone — male or female, of any age. Sexual assault is any sexual contact or behavior that happens without your consent. It is not limited to rape. It can include unwanted sexual touching or forcing you to perform oral sex or other sexual acts. The perpetrator does not have to be a stranger — it can be someone you know — even a relative, friend, intimate partner or spouse.

If It Happens to You, Remember:

You are not alone. It’s never your fault. Sexual assault and sexual abuse are never caused by what you wear, what you do or what you say.

If you’ve experienced a sexual assault, it’s important to consider these steps:

  1. As soon as you can, go to a safe place.
  2. Tell someone you trust that you need help.
  3. Get medical care for injuries or any risks to your health, such as sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV, or pregnancy concerns.
  4. Think about reporting the assault. If you will report it, save all the clothes you were wearing at the time of the assault. Also, try not to rinse your mouth, bathe, wash or shower.
  5. Get professional help to cope with the emotions you are experiencing.
  6. Advocates are available for ongoing support. 

Medical Help for Sexual Assault

Anyone who has experienced a sexual assault can use the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (SANE) regardless of your gender or ability to pay. Providers can assess and treat medical issues for any age patient and will refer children for expert pediatric sexual assault care. This program includes a nurse with special training in helping adolescent and adult survivors of sexual assault, as well as a team of trained caregivers. They will treat you with compassion and sensitivity to your needs and situation.

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program provides:

  • Medical assessment and treatment
  • Emotional support
  • Medical/legal evidence collection using a forensic kit (when seen within 120 hours of the assault)
  • Pregnancy risk assessment, if appropriate
  • Emergency contraception and STD prophylaxis
  • Information about reporting the crime to police:
    • If you’re an adult, you can choose to report or not report the sexual assault to law enforcement. No matter what you decide, SANE nurses and advocates will strongly support your decision.
    • Reporting an assault is mandatory if the victim is younger than 18
  • Help with Crime Victim's Compensation
  • Education and resource information

SANE Program

The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Program for adults and adolescents is available at:  

Aspirus Ironwood Hospital:
(906) 932-2525

Aspirus Langlade Hospital:
(715) 623-2331

Aspirus Medford Hospital:
(715) 748-8100

Aspirus Rhinelander Hospital:
(715) 361-2000

Aspirus Stanley Hospital:
(715) 644-5530

Aspirus Stevens Point Hospital:
(715) 346-5000

Aspirus Wausau Hospital:
(715) 847-2121

Aspirus Wisconsin Rapids Hospital:
(715) 423-6060

Howard Young Medical Center:
(715) 356-8000

  • Please visit the Emergency Department at any time for care.
  • Please call for more information if a child has been sexually assaulted.
  • Law enforcement can assist you or help you locate a closer SANE program. 

SANE Brochure

National Sexual Assault Free 24/7 Confidential Hotline