Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services

About this Location

Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services partners with physicians, churches and local community groups to provide compassionate care for people in their homes, in the hospital and in other living facilities.

Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services offers hospice, palliative and grief care. When active treatment is no longer the focus of care for an illness, hospice care concentrates on relieving symptoms and supporting patients and their families. Hospice patients generally have a life expectancy measured in months rather than years. Although hospice cannot add days to a person's life, it most certainly can add life to their days.


Aspirus Hospice House is a place of comfort and companionship in Wausau for patients with end-stage illnesses who choose an alternative to home. It offers a compassionate and safe environment in a home-like setting.

For detailed information about hospice services, visit our hospice services page. These complementary therapies are also offered by Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services:

Massage Therapy

Therapeutic massage is offered to support the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of patients and is a tool for pain relief and symptom management. Massage has been shown to reduce pain, decrease stress and anxiety, heighten peacefulness, and restore emotional balance and overall physical comfort.

Music Therapy

Music Therapy uses sounds and music to support and encourage physical, mental, social, spiritual and emotional well-being. Music can help to ease pain, decrease anxiety and stress, increase relaxation, enhance memory, promote communication, express feelings and increase quality of life.




Pet Therapy

Therapy dogs may visit people at Hospice House and Aspirus Wausau Hospital. These dogs provide comfort, love and companionship and enrich the quality of life for hospice patients and often family members as well. The sight of therapy dogs and the touch of their fur often brings peace and joy to people whose life once included animals. Physical contact has a calming effect and dogs have the ability to bring back pleasant memories of a person's life.

Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are key members of the Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services team. Each person works directly with our volunteer coordinator to determine what volunteer position best suits him or her. There are three main categories of volunteer opportunities: Patient/Family, Bereavement and Friends of Hospice.

To become an Aspirus Comfort Care and Hospice Services volunteer or for information, call our volunteer coordinator directly at 715-847-2424 or toll free at 866-331-2467, or visit our volunteer webpage for more information and to download an application.


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Support Hospice

Make a gift to the Aspirus Health Foundation in support of hospice and palliative care.

Make a Gift

Tree of Love

The holidays are a special time to celebrate the lives of people we love – people who are living and those who have died. Celebrate the loved ones in your life by purchasing a personalized 2-inch polished brass holiday ornament engraved with the name of someone you love.

Your ornaments will be mailed to you the second week of December – in time for holiday celebrations.

Purchase ornament(s)