Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids

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    • Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids

      410 Dewey Street
      Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494

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  • Aspirus Wisconsin Rapids Hospital


    • Monday-Friday
      8am - 5pm

About this Location

Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids brings innovative, complete cancer care and treatment to central Wisconsin. We offer our patients world-class cancer care in a beautiful, comforting setting that’s close to home.

Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids offers cancer patients complete, leading-edge cancer care. Convenient care and treatment includes oncology exams, diagnostic lab work and imaging scans, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, clinical trial participation, and more.

For more information on cancer & blood disorder services, click on the service links above.

Accreditation & Certification

Commission on Cancer

Commission On Cancer

Three-Year Accreditation with Commendation from the Commission on Cancer of the American College of Surgeons - October 2017

To earn voluntary accreditation, a cancer program must meet or exceed the Commission on Cancer quality standards, be evaluated every three years through a survey process, and maintain levels of excellence in the delivery of comprehensive patient-centered care. Three-Year Accreditation with Commendation is only awarded to a facility that exceeds standard requirements at the time of its triennial survey.

As a Commission on Cancer-accredited cancer center, Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids takes a multidisciplinary approach to treating cancer as a complex group of diseases that requires consultation among surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, diagnostic radiologists, pathologists, and other cancer specialists. This multidisciplinary partnership results in improved patient care.

The accreditation program provides the framework for Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids to improve its quality of patient care through various cancer-related programs that focus on the full spectrum of cancer care including prevention, early diagnosis, cancer staging, optimal treatment, rehabilitation, life-long follow-up for recurrent disease, and end-of-life care.

Commission on Cancer-accredited facilities diagnose and/or treat more than 70 percent of all newly diagnosed cancer patients. When cancer patients choose to seek care locally at an accredited cancer center, they are gaining access to comprehensive, state-of-the-art cancer care close to home.

Quality Oncology Practice Initiative® Certification

In 2014 Aspirus Cancer Care - Wisconsin Rapids was recognized by the Quality Oncology Practice Initiative (QOPI®) Certification Program, an affiliate of the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), by successfully performing all required standards surrounding safe chemotherapy administration. The QOPI® Certification Program provides a three-year certification for outpatient practices that meet the highest standards for quality cancer care.

To become certified, oncology practices must submit to an evaluation of their entire practice and documentation standards. The QCP staff and steering group members then verify through on-site inspection that the evaluation and documents are correct and that the practices meet core standards in areas of treatment, including: treatment planning, staff training and education, chemotherapy orders and drug preparation, patient consent and education, safe chemotherapy administration, and monitoring and assessment of patient well-being.

Patient & Support Services

Our oncology social worker helps patients and their loved ones cope with the stress related to a cancer diagnosis. She views individuals in a holistic way and with a strengths-based perspective, taking into account the whole person in his or her environment. Through a psychosocial assessment, she is able to identify individual needs.

For a patient with an initial diagnosis of cancer, meeting with our social worker can provide emotional support—help with decision making; someone to listen to their feelings of anger, fear or sadness, and someone to provide suggestions that may help the patient achieve a sense of control in his or her life. For patients with advanced disease, our social worker can provide help with decision making around life/death issues and be someone to listen to what they are going through and someone to support and comfort both patients and their loved ones.

Social workers are system experts and an integral part of the multidisciplinary team that provides the following services:

  • Psychosocial assessments
  • Supportive and adjustment counseling
  • Community resources/referrals
  • Legal assistance (advanced directives, DNR bracelets)
  • Assistance with end-of-life care
  • Strategies to meet patient care needs
  • Financial concerns/assistance
  • Social Security disability
  • Transportation assistance
  • Durable medical equipment needs
  • Insurance questions and concerns
  • Referrals to local support groups
  • Home health and hospice referrals

Our oncology social worker participates in the multidisciplinary meetings when a patient's treatment plan is discussed, contributing an assessment of the patient's needs. Every patient has the right to have at least one social work consultation. The patient may choose whether to see the social worker again. Although many cancer patients must cope with multiple environmental barriers in addition to their illness, the benefits of social work intervention can result in improved patient and family adjustment to illness, improved compliance with treatment, and an increased understanding of the illness and treatment regimen.


Aspirus is able to offer access to the latest research studies and clinical trials through partnerships with various institutions and pharmaceutical companies. Clinical trials are available through several groups, including:

  • Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) — offering national clinical trials in all types of cancer through National Cancer Institute funding.
  • Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) — devoted solely to research in radiation therapy for all types of cancer with funding through National Cancer Institute.
  • Wisconsin Oncology Network (WON) — regional network established to allow community health centers to enroll patients in select cancer clinical trials that are open the UW Carbone Cancer Center.
  • Cancer Trials Support Unit, a research group sponsored by National Cancer Institute to provide greater access to cancer trials, allowing access to studies from other national clinical trial groups.
  • Aspirus Cancer Care- Wisconsin Rapids typically has between 15 and 20 clinical trials available for patient participation. For more information about available clinical trials, please call our research nurse at 715-422-7718 or toll-free at 800-732-1956, ext. 7718.
See available trials

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