Aspirus Wausau Hospital - Joint Replacement Center

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    • Aspirus Wausau Hospital - Joint Replacement Center

      333 Pine Ridge Boulevard
      Wausau, WI 54401

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  • Wausau Hospital Entrance A

About this Location

At the Aspirus Joint Replacement Center at Aspirus Wausau Hospital, our goal is to guide and support patients every step of the way – from pre-surgery education,through the hospital stay, to successful recovery at home. Our team-approach and thorough patient education throughout the entire process helps to ensure that our patients receive the highest level of care possible and are able to successfully resume normal activities.

What To Expect

Before the surgery, our patients will:

  • Attend educational classes to learn about the preoperative, surgical, and postoperative process.
  • Receive a comprehensive guidebook that provides practical information for patients including Frequently Asked Questions, a Pre-Surgical Checklist, Pre-and Post- Surgical Exercises with photos, and other useful information to help explain what can be expected throughout the process.

During their hospital stay, patients will:

  • Be treated by a multidisciplinary team that specializes in caring for joint replacement patients.
  • Participate in group therapy sessions with other patients who are recovering from joint replacement surgery.
  • Benefit from the aid of a friend, family member, or a volunteer who will act as a “coach” during group therapy sessions.
  • Receive a newsletter with things to know, activities and schedules.

After patients are discharged, they will:

  • Be prepared to continue recovery with a care plan customized to their specific needs.

To determine if you are a candidate for joint replacement surgery, talk to your primary care provider.

Tips for Reducing Joint Pain

  • Watch Your Weight – Maintaining a healthy weight will reduce strain placed on joints during everyday activities
  • Practice Good Posture – Proper alignment of your head and spine will help alleviate pressure on joints
  • Rest and Ice – Take a break from your normal activities and ice the affected area indirectly for 15 minutes
  • Exercise – Moderate and low-impact exercise, such as easy-paced walks or water aerobics, may help increase flexibility and relieve pain and stiffness
  • Walking Assistant Devices – Using a cane or crutches may temporarily help reduce pressure and pain
  • Physical Therapy – Strengthening the muscles that surround the affected joint may help stabilize the joint and reduce pain

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