Aspirus Wisconsin Rapids Hospital - Gastroenterology
8am - 4:30pm
About this Location
Aspirus Wisconsin Rapids Hospital - Gastroenterology is located inside Aspirus Wisconsin Rapids Hospital's main lobby.
Disability Forms & FMLA
There is a fee for filling out disability forms, but no charge for filling out FMLA forms.
Please note: Outpatient procedures are generally not valid for FMLA. Please check with your employer.
Work/School Excuse
We cannot write a work or school excuse until after you are seen by a provider in the clinic.
Support Staff
Laura, Certified Medical Assistant; Kim, Certified Medical Assistant; Char, Medical Receptionist; Janet, Clinic Coordinator.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to check with my insurance company before having my procedure?
Your procedure may be billed as screening or diagnostic. All providers performing these services know how they will bill your procedure. You are strongly encouraged to check with your insurance company before undergoing any procedure to find out how your procedure will be covered.
How long is my clinic evaluation valid?
Please keep in mind that a clinic evaluation is valid only for a maximum of 3 months in relation to scheduling your procedure appointment.
Does Dr. Carlson do my procedure if he doesn't do my consult?
Yes. Dr. Carlson will do your procedure if you are going through the Aspirus Gastroenterology clinic.
Does my report get sent to my primary health care provider?
Yes. As long as you have a primary care provider listed, no matter which health care system they are affiliated with, they will receive a copy of your test results. If another provider would like your test results, please ask them to contact the clinic for your records.