LeRoyer Hospice

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    • LeRoyer Hospice

      112 East Fifth Street
      Antigo, WI 54409

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  • Hours

    • Business Office Hours
      Monday - Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
      Hospice Nurse On-Call

About this Location

LeRoyer Hospice is a special way of caring for people with terminal illnesses and their families. Hospice treats the whole person. We strive to meet all of the patient’s needs – physical, emotional, social and spiritual – as well as the needs of the family.

The family is directly involved in making decisions and in the care of a person they love. Whenever possible, hospice enables people with terminal illnesses to make decisions about how and where they want to spend the rest of their lives.

The feeling of being in control helps patients keep up their spirits so they can make the most of each day. Hospice emphasizes pain control – one of the major fears of the seriously ill is the fear of pain. In hospice, priority is placed on the control of pain. The goal is to achieve optimal control over pain with minimal alertness impairment. Living Life - Hospice helps patients achieve physical and emotional comfort so that they can concentrate on living as normally and meaningfully as possible.

Who is Eligible for LeRoyer Hospice Care?

Hospice provides care to terminally ill patients of all ages when curative therapy is no longer effective or desired. The patient and family are informed of the diagnosis and prognosis. There is a life expectancy of six months or less. The patient’s primary physician agrees to continue providing care or agrees to have the Hospice Medical Director provide primary care. The patient and/or family is a resident of Aspirus Langlade Hospital’s service area. LeRoyer Hospice is primarily a home care program. We focus on home care and place importance on providing services in the home where patients are in familiar surroundings and close to their families.

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