Amy Kuebler, APNP, Receives OME Foresight Award

The Aspirus Office of Medical Education (OME) recognizes collaboration and contributions made by Aspirus Physicians and Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs) as clinical teachers for medical students and advance practice clinician students.


This is the 5th year that OME has recognized these efforts throughout the Aspirus system.


This year’s Foresight Award goes to Amy Kuebler, advanced practice nurse practitioner with Aspirus Crandon Clinic.


Amy sees the value of a lifelong learner, plans ahead to help create and sustain excellence in medical education and / or preceptors and mentors in vital clinical areas where future caregivers are needed.


One nurse practitioner student said, “She exemplifies immense compassion in treating her patients’ minds, bodies, and spirits and shows pure joy and interest in teaching her students. She encourages ongoing learning of both herself and her students, to practice according to current evidence based guidelines, and she often explains how she wants to teach students to be the best they can be, as her generation will someday retire and be in the hands of newer providers. I truly feel enthusiastic about attending clinical and the advanced nursing practice, and I feel that she has prepared me well and made me love this career path even more.”