Richard Clark, PAC Receives OME Mission Award
The Aspirus Office of Medical Education (OME) is recognizing collaboration and contributions made by Aspirus Physicians and Advanced Practice Clinicians (APCs) as clinical teachers for medical students and advance practice clinician students.
This is the 3rd year that OME has recognized these efforts throughout the Aspirus system.
This year's Mission Award went to Richard Clark, PAC at Aspirus Rhinelander Clinic.
This awardee demonstrates a passion to train advance practice students or medical students recognizing it as the right thing to do to help heal people, promote health and strengthen communities.
This was submitted from a medical student about Richard:
“Rick is a selfless PA who goes the extra mile for each of his patients, listening to and addressing each of their concerns. As a student, I also benefited from his dedication to medicine; he put a lot of effort into ensuring I had a well-rounded and positive experience.”—PA Student